About us

Get to know us and know why you’re in good hands

Experience and Qualifications matter

Tiru Satsang

Our Promise to You

We understand the importance of creating a safe space for you to heal. The ability to provide you with this comes from a lot of experience and training. We take nothing for granted in providing for your sense of safety.

Our Promise to You

We understand the importance of creating a safe space for you to heal. The ability to provide you with this comes from a lot of experience and training. We take nothing for granted in providing for your sense of safety.

Meet Greg & Anjali

Gregory Flavel D.Hom, BCST, Dip.Clin.Hyp.Psych.

Greg white shirt


The INNER EXPERIENCE of the therapist MATTERS!


I have been active in the field of healing and transformation for over 40 years, practicing as a classical homeopath, biodynamic craniosacral therapist, energy healer, psychotherapist, and clinical hypnotherapist. Inevitably, my clinical and personal experiences have led me to adopt a therapeutic approach based upon the knowledge of the soul and the multi-layered reality within which it exists.


This spiritual reality which lies behind our outwardly focused lives has been at the forefront of my life since I was a child. The desire to end my early dissatisfaction with the world led me to meditation and the study of mystical teachings from various spiritual traditions and schools. Eventually, due to past life associations with India, I settled in India for many years, doing spiritual practice and working as a healer. During those years, I had many profound inner experiences as I breathed the atmosphere of thousands of years of Indian spirituality. Living in India was spiritually intoxicating, and I felt incredible freedom after living in the West. 


In India I was also constantly exposed to the immediacy of death and realised how much, out of fear, we attempt to hide it in the West. Watching street sadhus anoint a fellow renunciate’s forehead with ash who had passed away in the night became a spectacle of beauty. I experienced my own potential demise as I fell in and out of consciousness with a dangerously high fever, waiting for my transition into the spiritual dimension. The ‘spiritual’ was everywhere and undeniable as life and death flowed through and around me. I felt fearless and joyously alive! 


As I grew spiritually over the years, it became self-evident that I needed to address my psychological conditioning. Spiritual development and human psychology require balance in order that the inner riches of spiritual practice flow into the world. Through my early work with plant medicines, and later my transpersonal inner work with various therapies, it was possible for me to access, release and integrate those parts of my psyche which were suffering and in confusion. These transformed patterns of experience became destined to be an integral part of the growth of my soul. 


A competent guide who has done their own inner work is extremely helpful for any client who desires to resolve their own condition. A realistic prerequisite is that the therapist has done their personal inner work. This is not accomplished in a few weekend seminars but usually requires years of working through layers of unresolved experience. Most therapists such as counsellors and psychologists have only an intellectual understanding of the therapeutic approaches they use. They have not walked their own experiential journey of healing and completion. 


Another issue around the choice of a therapist relates to how increasingly difficult it is to discriminate between the charlatans and the real healers, with or without qualifications. Clarity and honesty in healing work are born out of the experience of aligning with what is true, within us. A therapist who lives in relationship to their own inner peace and truth will naturally radiate peace, safety, and a non-judgemental awareness to their clients. They will not be driven by material gain but by an inner call to help others. 


Finally, as we journey through this life and beyond it will only be our soul development which has any real intrinsic value. All our outer trappings of wealth, position and educational status will fall away as if they never existed. This is why I chose a healing path which integrates the spiritual aspects of our being within a psychotherapeutic framework. Any therapy which lacks grounding in the reality of the soul will only addresses the superficial aspects of a transient personality, and not that eternal part of us which lies beyond.


Education and Trainings:

Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy & Strategic Psychotherapy (Institute of Applied Psychology, Australia) 

Diploma of Classical Homeopathy (Victorian College of Homeopathy)

Medical Studies 4yrs.  (Latrobe University, Australia)

Diploma of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (U.K.)

Cert. Traditional Chinese Medicine (Melbourne College of Natural Medicine)

Trainings in Body-Centred Psychotherapy (Germany)

Cert. Past Life Regression & Spiritual Hypnosis (Scott F De Tamble, U.S.A)






Gregory Flavel 
D.Hom, BCST, Dip.Clin.Hyp.Psych.

Greg white shirt


The INNER EXPERIENCE of the therapist MATTERS!


I have been active in the field of healing and transformation for over 40 years, practicing as a classical homeopath, biodynamic craniosacral therapist, energy healer, psychotherapist, and clinical hypnotherapist. Inevitably, my clinical and personal experiences have led me to adopt a therapeutic approach based upon the knowledge of the soul and the multi-layered reality within which it exists.


This spiritual reality which lies behind our outwardly focused lives has been at the forefront of my life since I was a child. The desire to end my early dissatisfaction with the world led me to meditation and the study of mystical teachings from various spiritual traditions and schools. Eventually, due to past life associations with India, I settled in India for many years, doing spiritual practice and working as a healer. During those years, I had many profound inner experiences as I breathed the atmosphere of thousands of years of Indian spirituality. Living in India was spiritually intoxicating, and I felt incredible freedom after living in the West. 


In India I was also constantly exposed to the immediacy of death and realised how much, out of fear, we attempt to hide it in the West. Watching street sadhus anoint a fellow renunciate’s forehead with ash who had passed away in the night became a spectacle of beauty. I experienced my own potential demise as I fell in and out of consciousness with a dangerously high fever, waiting for my transition into the spiritual dimension. The ‘spiritual’ was everywhere and undeniable as life and death flowed through and around me. I felt fearless and joyously alive! 


As I grew spiritually over the years, it became self-evident that I needed to address my psychological conditioning. Spiritual development and human psychology require balance in order that the inner riches of spiritual practice flow into the world. Through my early work with plant medicines, and later my transpersonal inner work with various therapies, it was possible for me to access, release and integrate those parts of my psyche which were suffering and in confusion. These transformed patterns of experience became destined to be an integral part of the growth of my soul. 


A competent guide who has done their own inner work is extremely helpful for any client who desires to resolve their own condition. A realistic prerequisite is that the therapist has done their personal inner work. This is not accomplished in a few weekend seminars but usually requires years of working through layers of unresolved experience. Most therapists such as counsellors and psychologists have only an intellectual understanding of the therapeutic approaches they use. They have not walked their own experiential journey of healing and completion. 


Another issue around the choice of a therapist relates to how increasingly difficult it is to discriminate between the charlatans and the real healers, with or without qualifications. Clarity and honesty in healing work are born out of the experience of aligning with what is true, within us. A therapist who lives in relationship to their own inner peace and truth will naturally radiate peace, safety, and a non-judgemental awareness to their clients. They will not be driven by material gain but by an inner call to help others. 


Finally, as we journey through this life and beyond it will only be our soul development which has any real intrinsic value. All our outer trappings of wealth, position and educational status will fall away as if they never existed. This is why I chose a healing path which integrates the spiritual aspects of our being within a psychotherapeutic framework. Any therapy which lacks grounding in the reality of the soul will only addresses the superficial aspects of a transient personality, and not that eternal part of us which lies beyond.


Education and Trainings:

Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy & Strategic Psychotherapy (Institute of Applied Psychology, Australia) 

Diploma of Classical Homeopathy (Victorian College of Homeopathy)

Medical Studies 4yrs.  (Latrobe University, Australia)

Diploma of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (U.K.)

Cert. Traditional Chinese Medicine (Melbourne College of Natural Medicine)

Trainings in Body-Centred Psychotherapy (Germany)

Cert. Past Life Regression & Spiritual Hypnosis (Scott F De Tamble, U.S.A)







Anjali Flavel
Dip AMD, BCST, Dip.Clin.Hyp.Psych.


Why do Inner Work?


Individuation is a process where one becomes a unique individual separate from common humanity and free from unconscious collective conditioning. Out of the flowering of this process is the establishment of a new psychological structure, centred around the soul.


And so, my journey began as I found myself caught amidst a life crisis which alienated me from my surroundings, my business as a fashion designer and my unsatisfactory relationships. I needed answers to the question of my life and it was unbearable to remain as I was. The desire for clarity and sanity enabled me to walk out of my current life and discover a new way of being in the world. Slowly over time, new energies and possibilities emerged as my old life became a distant memory.


Since my first experience of body-centred psychotherapy I intuitively knew I was on the right path towards healing. I spent the next years experiencing my inner world and its connection to my body. My body, which was once incidental, now became an essential instrument of intelligence which I used to navigate the worlds of inner and outer experience. When consciousness is no longer centred around the thinking processes in the head, it is then possible to experience life with a greater depth of feeling, understanding and connection.


In conjunction with psychological work, I became more involved in spiritual practices. I lived in an ashram for 1½ years and then moved to various sacred places to meditate and study spiritual teachings from various traditions. With the passage of time my mind became clearer, and my experience of the world changed dramatically. I lived much more in the present moment and for the first time I sensed a constant feeling of joy rising up through the depths of my being.  Interactions with spiritual masters helped to sustain and fuel this growth of my soul.


After years of spiritual practice and psychotherapeutic training I operated clinics on two continents where I specialised in healing the effects of childhood trauma. In time, I recognised the importance of working systematically with the multitude of conditioned automatic responses existing beneath the conscious mind. These responses arise out of worlds within us, where trauma is contained, and the inhabitants live isolated lives reliving the initial trauma response that created them.


I know of no other method which penetrates the inner world of the human psyche so deeply and methodically as the method I’m currently using. Combined with the intuitive guidance and experience of the therapist, it creates a safe space in which the client resolves incongruent patterns of behaviour. As patterns are released and integrated, the inner nature of the soul starts to express itself more actively in the client’s day to day life, bringing more peace and rest from a world that is addicted to hyperactivity and restlessness.


The world will never change for us individually or collectively until we do the inner work. It is a blessing to want to evolve and attend to the suffering that exists within. The outcome of this effort to do the work brings great rewards which can’t be known until it is your experience. How does one know the taste of a mango until you try it? Once the inner self starts to change one’s view of oneself and the world changes along with it.


Education and Trainings:

Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy & Strategic Psychotherapy (Institute of Applied Psychology, Australia)

Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy (Jacquin Hypnosis Academy, U.K)

Diploma of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (Body Intelligence, U.K)

Cert. Past Life Regression & Spiritual Hypnosis (Scott F De Tamble, U.S.A)

Cert. Soul – Centered Healing ( Dr. Tom Zinser)

Group Therapy Facilitator (Osho International Meditation Center)

Cert. Ayurvedic Yoga Massage ( Kusum Modak)

Cert. Ayur Balancing Masssage ( Rasovai)


Anjali Flavel Dip AMD, BCST, Dip.Clin.Hyp.Psych.


Why do Inner Work?


Individuation is a process where one becomes a unique individual separate from common humanity and free from unconscious collective conditioning. Out of the flowering of this process is the establishment of a new psychological structure, centred around the soul. 


And so, my journey began as I found myself caught amidst a life crisis which alienated me from my surroundings, my business as a fashion designer and my unsatisfactory relationships. I needed answers to the question of my life and it was unbearable to remain as I was. The desire for clarity and sanity enabled me to walk out of my current life and discover a new way of being in the world. Slowly over time, new energies and possibilities emerged as my old life became a distant memory. 


Since my first experience of body-centred psychotherapy I intuitively knew I was on the right path towards healing. I spent the next years experiencing my inner world and its connection to my body. My body, which was once incidental, now became an essential instrument of intelligence which I used to navigate the worlds of inner and outer experience. When consciousness is no longer centred around the thinking processes in the head, it is then possible to experience life with a greater depth of feeling, understanding and connection.


In conjunction with psychological work, I became more involved in spiritual practices. I lived in an ashram for 1½ years and then moved to various sacred places to meditate and study spiritual teachings from various traditions. With the passage of time my mind became clearer, and my experience of the world changed dramatically. I lived much more in the present moment and for the first time I sensed a constant feeling of joy rising up through the depths of my being.  Interactions with spiritual masters helped to sustain and fuel this growth of my soul.


After years of spiritual practice and psychotherapeutic training I operated clinics on two continents where I specialised in healing the effects of childhood trauma. In time, I recognised the importance of working systematically with the multitude of conditioned automatic responses existing beneath the conscious mind. These responses arise out of worlds within us, where trauma is contained, and the inhabitants live isolated lives reliving the initial trauma response that created them. 


I know of no other method which penetrates the inner world of the human psyche so deeply and methodically as the method I’m currently using. Combined with the intuitive guidance and experience of the therapist, it creates a safe space in which the client resolves incongruent patterns of behaviour. As patterns are released and integrated, the inner nature of the soul starts to express itself more actively in the client’s day to day life, bringing more peace and rest from a world that is addicted to hyperactivity and restlessness.


The world will never change for us individually or collectively until we do the inner work. It is a blessing to want to evolve and attend to the suffering that exists within. The outcome of this effort to do the work brings great rewards which can’t be known until it is your experience. How does one know the taste of a mango until you try it? Once the inner self starts to change one’s view of oneself and the world changes along with it. 


Education and Trainings:

Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy & Strategic Psychotherapy (Institute of Applied Psychology, Australia)

Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy (Jacquin Hypnosis Academy, U.K)

Diploma of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (Body Intelligence, U.K)

Cert. Past Life Regression & Spiritual Hypnosis (Scott F De Tamble, U.S.A)

Cert. Soul – Centered Healing ( Dr. Tom Zinser)

Group Therapy Facilitator (Osho International Meditation Center)

Cert. Ayurvedic Yoga Massage ( Kusum Modak)

Cert. Ayur Balancing Masssage ( Rasovai)

We offer Online Therapy Across the Globe

Why Work with Us

We are dedicated to assisting you on your life journey. Utilizing proven techniques combined with deep listening we continue to create a positive impact in the lives of our clients. 

45 years Clinical Experience

5 Star Rating

Online- Across the Globe

Soul Focused Therapy