The Soul

The Journey of the Soul 

Comet moving through space

The journey begins with the Soul entering human existence with a limited consciousness and knowledge. It forgets it was once a part of the Light as its awareness of itself becomes veiled by the consciousness of the human. This veiling of the soul consciousness is integral to the soul’s development as it gains experiences in a world of duality: the play of light and darkness, happiness and sadness, courage and fear, love and hate. The background of this world of opposites is the fertile ground for the conscious self to experience its freedom of choice as it meets existence and makes choices. Ultimately, choice is what draws this self/soul towards qualities of the Light and Knowledge or to Darkness and Ignorance. The purpose of this journey is for the soul to awaken to the inner light and to remember its place in the Light within the realm of opposites. Having made this journey which covers possibly thousands of lifetimes and having traversed the field of opposites the soul develops a consciousness and an identity more sublime than had it never left the Light.

The Journey of the Soul 

Comet moving through space

The journey begins with the Soul entering human existence with a limited consciousness and knowledge. It forgets it was once a part of the Light as its awareness of itself becomes veiled by the consciousness of the human. This veiling of the soul consciousness is integral to the soul’s development as it gains experiences in a world of duality: the play of  light and darkness, happiness and sadness, courage and fear, love, and hate. The background of this world of opposites is the fertile ground for the conscious self to experience its freedom of choice as it meets existence and makes choices. Ultimately, choice is what draws this self/soul towards qualities of the Light and Knowledge or to Darkness and Ignorance. The purpose of this journey is for the soul to awaken to the inner light and to remember its place in the Light within the realm of opposites. Having made this journey which covers possibly thousands of lifetimes and having traversed the field of opposites the soul develops a consciousness and an identity more sublime than had it never left the Light.

The Blueprint of the Soul

floating candle in water surrounded by flowers at night

Each soul is a unique, individual expression of the Light and each soul is one with the Light.  All souls have a soul history and soul purpose. Prior to conception a blueprint is created with the intention of creating a certain set of experiences whose sole aim is to give the conscious self/soul the possibility of expanding its consciousness and to move towards understanding its true nature. Over many lifetimes the soul grows and expands as it accumulates experience. Faced with many choices, the soul may move far away from the original blueprint and trajectory of a life and a new blueprint will be created for the next life to compensate for this. In terms of eternity and from the perspective of the a soul, “there are as many paths to God as there are souls upon the earth”, so no matter how far a soul deviates from its intended path, a life is never truly wasted.

It should be noted, there is a higher aspect of the soul which always remains in the light and can exert a powerful influence on the conscious self, but it does not control this earthly self and it is up to the conscious self to decide which direction it will go. Freewill is intricately interwoven into the fabric of existence.

The Blueprint of the Soul

floating candle in water surrounded by flowers at night

Each soul is a unique, individual expression of the Light and each soul is one with the Light.  All souls have a soul history and soul purpose. Prior to conception a blueprint is created with the intention of creating a certain set of experiences whose sole aim is to give the conscious self/soul the possibility of expanding its consciousness and to move towards understanding its true nature. Over many lifetimes the soul grows and expands as it accumulates experience. Faced with many choices, the soul may move far away from the original blueprint and trajectory of a life and a new blueprint will be created for the next life to compensate for this. In terms of eternity and from the perspective of the a soul, “there are as many paths to God as there are souls upon the earth”, so no matter how far a soul deviates from its intended path, a life is never truly wasted.

It should be noted, there is a higher aspect of the soul which always remains in the light and can exert a powerful influence on the conscious self, but it does not control this earthly self and it is up to the conscious self to decide which direction it will go. Freewill is intricately interwoven into the fabric of existence.

Healing the Subtle Dimensions of Self

Large tree with large Aerial roots and sun shining through leaves

Each soul has its own unique soul history, comprised of experiences from this life, former lives and even from experiences between lives.  Where an experience, particularly a traumatic one, remains energetically “stuck” in the unconscious or psychic realm, there will be disruptive effects upon the conscious life of the embodied soul in this earthly life. It will create a fragmented state with forces operative in subtle dimensions that may create pain, fear, conflict, confusion, and anger.

These are conscious forces or energies inhabiting a unique type of limited existence within the human psyche. Through hypnosis we can access these normally unconscious levels of self and enter into dialogue with these fragmented parts or energies. A higher aspect of our soul, known in this work as the Higher Self, is called upon to assist us in integrating these fragmented parts into the psyche. We also work with the intrusion of outside energies that may enter the self/soul through vulnerabilities at the psychic level.

A unique contribution of this therapy is the understanding of the energetic architecture of the soul. Our work also includes healing the energetic connections between the body, subtle body and soul.

Healing the Subtle Dimensions of Self

Large tree with large Aerial roots and sun shining through leaves

Each soul has its own unique soul history, comprised of experiences from this life, former lives and even from experiences between lives.  Where an experience, particularly a traumatic one, remains energetically “stuck” in the unconscious or psychic realm, there will be disruptive effects upon the conscious life of the embodied soul in this earthly life. It will create a fragmented state with forces operative in subtle dimensions that may create pain, fear, conflict, confusion, and anger.

These are conscious forces or energies inhabiting a unique type of limited existence within the human psyche. Through hypnosis we can access these normally unconscious levels of self and enter into dialogue with these fragmented parts or energies. A higher aspect of our soul, known in this work as the Higher Self, is called upon to assist us in integrating these fragmented parts into the psyche. We also work with the intrusion of outside energies that may enter the self/soul through vulnerabilities at the psychic level.

A unique contribution of this therapy is the understanding of the energetic architecture of the soul. Our work also includes healing the energetic connections between the body, subtle body and soul.

Recognition of The Soul of Light

Luther Emerson Van Goder 1895- painting of children with lanterns

As a client starts to experience past-life memories, higher dimensions of wisdom, spiritual forces and energies, a conviction begins to arise in the client that they are not quite who they thought themselves to be. Rather than seeing themselves solely as a limited and vulnerable human being, they begin to see themselves also as spiritual beings of Light, with connections far beyond the physical world. As energies begin to shift and they become less fragmented inside, clients start to become more centred around their soul and less around their sense of ego identity. Out of this deep relationship, clients experience more confidence and clarity making it easier to navigate the difficulties of life and relationships. As life is seen from this greater perspective, the dramas of life slowly lose their sting and one is much more happier and peaceful even though the outer world may be in chaos.

As Light is brought into the soul through the integration and release of energies, the client experiences his or her own inner light and the miracle of their Oneness with the Light. Here lies the beauty, the mystery, and the heart of this work

Recognition of The Soul of Light

Luther Emerson Van Goder 1895- painting of children with lanterns

As a client starts to experience past-life memories, higher dimensions of wisdom, spiritual forces and energies, a conviction begins to arise in the client that they are not quite who they thought themselves to be. Rather than seeing themselves solely as a limited and vulnerable human being they begin to see themselves also as spiritual beings of Light with connections far beyond the physical world. As energies begin to shift and they become less fragmented inside, clients start to become more centred around their soul and less around their sense of ego identity. Out of this deep relationship, clients experience more confidence and clarity making it easier to navigate the difficulties of life and relationships. As life is seen from this greater perspective, the dramas of life slowly lose their sting and one is much more happier and peaceful even though the outer world may be in chaos.

As Light is brought into the soul through the integration and release of energies, the client experiences his or her own inner light and the miracle of their Oneness with the Light. Here lies the beauty, the mystery, and the heart of this work

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” The process of healing is like going through an old house, room-by-room throwing open all the shutters to the morning sun…..The central aim of the healing process is to help a person connect with and open to the Light, so the Light can do what it does- expand!” – Tom Zinser

” In opening to ones’ own Light, we know the Oneness of ALL THAT IS” -Gerod